Heidi A. Timken

We were most pleased with the services your firm offered in the case of Richardson, et al. v. First American, et al…. Your services assisted us greatly in achieving a defense verdict in that jury trial.  The skills you brought to the assignment were varied and unique. You worked with us to prepare a very difficult, but important party witness in our case.  We very much appreciated your insight into everything from her manner of testifying to her appearance and how everything she said and did would impact on the jury’s opinion of her.”

You conducted a two-day mock trial for us which provided us valuable insight into what themes would and would not work with the jury. You provided on an extremely prompt basis a very thorough report, and as I reviewed that report shortly before trial and again in writing this recommendation, I realized how insightful your comments were and how closely they were borne out by the verdict and the juror interviews following the very lengthy 2-1/2 month trial in federal district court.

I would be pleased to recommend your firm and invite you to use my name as a referral.