I was surprised by how much there was to be learned in preparing for and actually presenting my adversary’s case to a mock jury. In so doing, I saw strengths as well as weaknesses in my case which before had not been fully appreciated. It would have been fully worth it if the exercise went no further than the preparation required to present my adversary’s case before a mock jury panel. As expected, observing the mock jurors’ reaction to the actual presentation of the case, using several different themes and styles, was highly beneficial. Much of the mock panel’s reaction was no surprise; however, there was the unexpected. To be sure, if an unexpected verdict is to be returned by a jury, it is true bliss that the jury is mock! After completion of the exercise and receiving your feedback, I settled the case. The clients are happy to have paid your fee and I am happy to have spent the time…Thank you so much. I am looking forward to working with you again.