Strategic Litigation Solutions

Law firms turn to us when the stakes are high to simplify complexities and implement key tactical moves for cost-effective settlement and trial.

Case Strategy Development

A case strategy consultation enables counsel to obtain reactions and recommendations from an experienced FLC trial consultant in a cost-effective way. We have decades of experience listening to thousands of “real people” talk about their thoughts and opinions relative to case facts, issues, parties, theories, themes, demonstrative aids and damages on every kind of case you can possibly imagine. We know what resonates with jurors; we also know how jurors’ inability to connect with your arguments and juror biases can become obstacles to a successful outcome for you and your client. We can draw upon this wealth of experience to advise you on such things as case presentation strategy, themes, demonstrative aids, and opening and closing arguments.

Case strategy consultation sessions can focus on any of several objectives:

  • Achieving perspective on how a case will be received by jurors at trial
  • Developing effective case themes and trial strategies
  • Assessing key strengths and weaknesses of the case
  • Outlining/fine-tuning effective openings and/or closing arguments (more here)
  • Making improvements in presentation style and trial visuals (more here)
  • Examining special issues or unique circumstances in a case
  • Image and Wardrobe considerations for you, your client and witnesses (more here)
  • Determining if pre-trial jury research is warranted, and if so, what type of research is most appropriate (more here)

Case strategy consultation is most beneficial in the early stages of trial preparation, but counsel can benefit from such analysis and feedback at any time during the litigation process. Sessions can be scheduled as a single service or in conjunction with mock trial or focus group research.

Your approach produced more good, focused ideas to respond to the plaintiffs’ case and promote our own than any single process I have been a part of. It brought a methodical approach to the development of themes, key words, demonstrative aids and phases of the trial which are typically left to trial counsel to develop over the life of the case. Daniel M. Fowler, Denver, CO

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