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Strategic Litigation Solutions

Law firms turn to us when the stakes are high to simplify complexities and implement key tactical moves for cost-effective settlement and trial.

Online Jury Research

After determining the scope of your online research (i.e., case evaluation, theme and strategy testing, venue, jury profiling, visual/exhibit testing, mock trial, post-trial juror study, or opinion survey), we will work with our online jury research affiliate to recruit jury-eligible individuals that match the specific demographics of your trial venue. The surrogate jurors will log on to a secure online environment to view and react to recorded footage of your arguments and exhibits. This format also allows the on-line jurors to view and react to lay and expert witnesses. Jurors will be asked to respond to case specific questions developed by an FLC consultant.

Following the online research, we will analyze the results and make recommendations for resolving identified problems, discovery, theme development, demonstrative aids, and case presentation. We can tailor the online research to your specifications, needs, and stage of litigation.

Settlement would not have been possible without your invaluable input. The focus groups and your comprehensive written report allowed us to reframe our themes and arguments. We used the results of the focus groups in settlement discussions. I believe our ability to cite specific focus group findings was very persuasive to opposing counsel. Murray Ogborn, Denver, Colorado

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