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Strategic Litigation Solutions

Law firms turn to us when the stakes are high to simplify complexities and implement key tactical moves for cost-effective settlement and trial.

Post-Trial Juror Interviews

Post-trial juror interviews are conducted after a verdict is rendered in a case.  Many jurors feel constrained by the formality of a courtroom setting and/or social desirability bias; at the completion of a trial, however, jurors are often more inclined to provide detailed and accurate insight into the deliberation room.  Post verdict interviews are conducted by one of our consultants allow you to discover why and how the jury reached its verdict and how jurors evaluated specific evidence, witnesses, arguments and theories. You can also develop insight and strategy for similar cases/future trials.  In some cases, post-verdict juror interviews provide pertinent evidence for an appeal.

When permitted by the Court (and within the confines of the Court’s rules and restrictions), an FLC consultant will conduct individualized telephonic or in-person interviews of of each juror designed to elicit general and issue-specific information about jury deliberations.  Post-trial juror interview are usually conducted shortly after the completion of the trial, while the case deliberations are top-of-mind for jurors.

Subsequent to the interviews, you will be provided with a written report addressing and analyzing all relevant juror comments/findings as well as overarching takeaways.  Transcriptions of each interview will also be provided.

You provided on an extremely prompt basis a very thorough report, and as I reviewed that report shortly before trial and again in writing this recommendation, I realized how insightful your comments were and how closely they were borne out by the verdict and the juror interviews following the very lengthy 2-1/2 month trial in federal district court. Heidi A. Timken, Walnut Creek, CA

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